Feruvius Show this Weekend

Having begun as an attempt to produce one image a day for the year, the "one-a-day" series, never having fulfilled that expectation, has proven to tell a different story than originally intended.

Parallel to the visual journey of the "one-a-days" is the written journey that is kept within the Journal.

With over 400 3.5/2.5in "one a days" and 1100 pages of writing since 2010 "Kind of Chronological" will present each image with a passage from the journal transcribed on the back that correlates to the date the image was created.

About the Journal:

The journal is a chronicle of self-realization; a creative undertaking guided by the principle:

"The personal life deeply lived always transcends to truths that are universal." - Anais Nin

It is my goal and my belief that by sharing my own process of self-discovery in writing that others may find revealed fragments of their own journey reflected therein.

The Journal passages I have chosen were made in the attempt to most honor Anais Nin's principle of personal/universal transcendence.

Exhibition dates
Saturday, March 15th, 12pm - 7pm
Sunday, March 16th, 12pm - 5pm

Studio Feruvius @ Erector Sq.
315 Peck St.
New Haven, CT

Building 3, 2nd floor, Studio M